My Story – Uterine (Endometrial) Cancer: P.S. to Yesterday’s Post–Life on the Infinite Walkway

Infinite Walkway

Yesterday I wrote about my one-year “to the day” anniversary of being diagnosed with uterine (endometrial) cancer. Today is my one-year “to the date” marker. And I am lucky.

Watching the evening news last night, November 3, I saw three stories about people who have lived lives that were, yes, challenged by cancer, but more importantly were full of significance, influence, and inspiration. Today I wish to pay homage to them with a brief acknowledgment here:

It is easy to toss around words such as grace, dignity, and courage. It is not so easy to live them. At this writing, Lauren is still with us. No matter what you believe, don’t believe, or don’t know that (or what or whether) you believe, please hold them in your heart and send loving thoughts their way, whether you call them prayers, meditations, or good wishes.

This summer, I honored other people whose lives had been intricately bound with mine (Life Giveth, Life Taketh Away . . . and It Giveth Again).

Yesterday, I spoke of both turning back and standing still in time (My Story – Uterine (Endometrial) Cancer: Turning Back the Clock and Looking at “The Fault in Our Stars”), ending with a quotation from John Green’s powerful, moving, and very real story of young people defying cancer with the fierceness and sheer power of love: “Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.”

Toward the end of the book, one of the characters is eulogizing another, talking about the infinite numbers (carried to many decimal points) that reside between the bigger numbers we recognize in everyday life. The final words of the tribute speak to the unknown worlds and existences that transcend the boundaries of our circumscribed lives as creatures of earth:

. . . I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. . . . You gave me a forever within the numbered days.

Here’s to you, Brittany, Oscar, and Lauren. I hope to meet you all on the infinite walkway that takes us through and beyond our numbered days that we do not know how to count. Thank you for walking among us during our time-bound existence on earth.

Godspeed as you continue on your journeys, wherever infinity takes you.

Infinities 2

“Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.”

6 thoughts on “My Story – Uterine (Endometrial) Cancer: P.S. to Yesterday’s Post–Life on the Infinite Walkway”

  1. As usual, so very well done!! You make your stories so compelling!! They are so touching and wonderful to read. Thanks so very much. I am so proud of you!!! I love you. Mom


  2. You reach so many people with your writings, and I know that the people they reach,are forever touched by the words and the empathy,compassion and love they convey. It’s amazing how far your journey has brought you. I know you will continue on, and I wait with anticipation to see where it takes you next. With love and light may you continue to heal, and be healed. Lots of love Linda

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    1. Thank you, Linda. Your words mean so much, especially because I know what you guys are going through. Your journey seems to have been largely focused on serving others from within the circle of your own light, and I hope you will find complete healing as you care for Jim. Love, Pam


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